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Primeau Productions: The Video Trend Continues to Grow


Primeau Productions: The Video Trend Continues to Grow

“[On Video] It’s not just a passing trend; it’s a clear indication that videos have become a preferred and engaging medium for audiences. If you want to stay ahead in the game, use video to create a connection that resonates with your audience.” – Amy Burchill, International Content Manager and Social Media Expert

What Does “Brand” Mean to You?

Primeau Productions is a regional video production company based in Greenville, South Carolina. We serve South Carolina and parts of Georgia with the best in video production services, excellent writers and editors and top-notch studios.

One of the comments we frequently hear from prospective professional clients in South Carolina or Georgia regarding their business goes something like this:

“I like the idea of using video to promote my practice but I don’t know what my brand is and I don’t know if anything I say will make an impact on business…I also don’t know if it’s professional.”

The value of video is proven and unmistakable in its effectiveness. Study upon study shows the same factors and marketing drivers that are present in New York or Atlanta, are present in South Carolina and the suburbs of Georgia. Video is effective everywhere.

The latest research has shown that nearly 90-percent of brand purchase decisions were influenced by video across the internet.

Whether the video was embedded in the company website or social media or used as an advertising tool, it has proven extremely effective.

“Brand,” doesn’t have to be a product. It can be any kind of service from rug cleaning to pet grooming and any kind of professional practice from accountancy and law to physical therapists and dermatologists.

Quality video production can have a profound effect on brand awareness, but does it affect the bottom line?

In research involving more than 1,000 marketers nationwide, it has been shown that:

“39% of video marketers attribute ROI to brand awareness metrics.”

In other words, a quality video is not just about getting “likes” on Facebook, but marketing experts have found that nearly 40-percent of your return on investment in terms of brand recognition is due to video.

About the professionalism part

If you practice law or medicine, physical therapy or architecture or most any service that requires a high degree of trust, creating brand awareness through video plays into the expertise of Primeau Productions. Our staff of writers, editors and videographers will help you produce a video that will elevate your message with professionalism and authenticity.

Video production is our business and we take it seriously. Video production and the video’s message is critical to your brand. Far too often, we have seen amateur attempts at producing video fall flat. When that occurs, it has a detrimental effect on the brand.

There is a fine line between “trying to be clever” and being effective in conveying a message. When the organization attempting to build awareness and trust places “fluff” or flippancy above the message, the brand loses.

It does then lead us to the topic of protecting the brand. Like the topic of reputation, the brand that any kind of organization puts forward, is critical. Primeau Productions is expert at showcasing your brand in the most professional light. A professionally done video needn’t be too stiff or formal, but authentic and impactful.

Talk to us at Primeau Productions about all your video needs. We are pleased to explain the attributes that set us apart.