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Video Production: Everything Old is New Again


Video Production: Everything Old is New Again

If you have been following the Primeau Productions blog, you will appreciate that while we are based in Greenville, South Carolina and serve South Carolina and parts of Georgia, we track many national and international video trends.

One of the most exciting trends is that “face to face sales” are beginning to have a rebirth. Industry experts are telling us that customers and clients are desiring greater human connection in a time when the world has many of us trapped in a digital world.

Whether you are a keynote speaker, piano tuner who plunks at keys or a locksmith making keys, you may like to know that video is expected to play an important role in facilitating sales, explaining products and services, demonstrating or training,

Sales expert Jennifer Stanley has stated: “Efficient time management is crucial for sales reps seeking to improve their conversion rates—and when it comes to time spent with customers, sometimes, ‘less is more.’”

It is widely recognized that whether you are a motivational speaker based in Georgia or a South Carolina-based homebuilder, nothing is as powerful as video for boosting your message or improving sales conversions from “interest” to signing the deal.

Sales consultant Edgar Abong talked about the virtues of face to face marketing in an article (February 19, 2024) with the following observation:

“Face-to-face marketing revolves around direct, personal interactions between a brand and its audience. It’s a strategy that leverages in-person meetings, whether at events, in stores, or through face-to-face promotions, to create a memorable and genuine connection.”

The versatility of video

Primeau Productions recognizes that the most effective and versatile sales and marketing tool to facilitate, explain, demonstrate or train is video. The same video that can be embedded on a website or put on social media can be used to demonstrate a procedure in a healthcare office.

Video is widely appealing and far reaching. For example, a dermatology office in Greenville, South Carolina or Athens, Georgia, may shoot a professional video that will connect “on a very human level” with a future client moving from New York or Illinois.

Video is the face-to-face tool for face-to-face. A well-written script and professionally produced video is dimensional. Video gives potential clients or patients or association members or even church parishioners a sense of who you are. Printed matter can’t do that.

Video conveys a message by making a real, face-to-face connection. Shooting a video and posting it in numerous places shows people who you are. They hear your voice, know what you or your organization stand for, and most importantly, reflects your values.

The Primeau Productions difference

While video is one of the most effective face-to-face sales and marketing tool that may exist, the challenge is to produce a video that is always on message, is effective in conveying the message and most importantly, meets your objectives.

Primeau Productions does not believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. Our solutions to your success are effective because we listen, suggest, edit and help you polish your message. From script to screen, and using the finest equipment and techniques in the industry, we are dedicated to the true message of our clients.

There are no shortcuts to creating a video that brings you and your organization to life. Everything old is new again and nothing is “newer” yet as reassuring as video. Face-to-face, video excels in saying what you need to say.